Gaining Confidence Using an Unexpected Method

Sometimes you just have to step outside your comfort zone to really find out who you are. Becoming a mom has presented all kinds of challenges for me, but the hardest one for me to overcome was the toll that being pregnant and and birthing two babies would take on my body. Pregnancy is such […]

Recipe: Loaded Cheeseburger Meatballs

We love tasty food. But we also try to eat as healthy as we can, and teach the boys to have healthy eating habits, as well. We don’t have picky kids. Did we get lucky? Maybe. But I think that it has more to do with the fact that the boys don’t have the option […]

Recipe: Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Cookies

  It’s back-to-school time for us. My oldest started kindergarten this year. After the first few days of eating school lunches, he decided that he wanted to start taking his lunch to school. We took some time on Pinterest looking at lunch ideas that were healthy and easy to prepare. Surprisingly, or maybe not so […]

Welcome to the 0.5 Percent

I started running competitively just over a year ago. It started out as an outlet for stress that I had built up during the day. After the boys were in bed, I would head out for my training run. Being a full-time work from home mom with two kids at home is insane. It’s like […]

Trusting the Process

Getting to your goals is never a straight shot. You never reach goals without experiencing bumps in the road. Did you think it would be any different? Did you think that you could accomplish anything worth accomplishing without some sort of difficulty? Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded. Thomas Edison’s […]

Motherhood: My Magnum Opus

My mother has always told me that my brother and I are her magnum opus. I never put much thought into it growing up, you never really put much thought into your parent’s compliments as a teen. But now, as a mother, those words speak volumes to me. Being a mother is the hardest thing that […]

Tips for Reducing Stress

10 days ago, I started a Facebook event with a fellow fitness coach to share tips for reducing stress. Now, I am no expert on stress, but I have lived my life with a fair share of it and I know what works best for me. A little background of my stress life: I am […]

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Shakeology

Here we are, at the beginning of pumpkin spice season (for those of you who are unfamiliar: this season begins before the start of fall, normally directly following Labor Day). I love pumpkin. Pumpkin pie has been my favorite dessert since I was a kid. And pumpkin is healthy. Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks…not so […]

Fear & Self-Loathing

Is fear driving your decisions? Is it driving your life? Do you allow the fear of what other’s might think control your actions? I know that I’ve felt that way in the past. I’m not sure what, exactly, changed that for me. I don’t know if it was simply getting older and more mature. If […]

Recipe: Peanut Butter, Banana Nice Cream

Summer is upon us (soon, anyway), and it’s HOT here in Oklahoma. As a kid, I never really noticed how hot it got during the summer. As an adult, I hate being hot. I grew up in Arkansas, and unlike Oklahoma, the summer’s in Arkansas are huuuuuumid. Like air you can wear humid. At least […]

Product Love: Elite Cuisine Egg Cooker

Boiled eggs are one of the most convenient, healthy foods. You can cook up a dozen and just grab and go. The problem is, for me anyway, I could never seem to figure out the perfect recipe for boiling them on the stovetop and then being able to get the skins off without destroying the […]

Life as a Work From Home Mom

Let me preface this by saying that I love that my career allows me to work from home, and care for my two small children. I am so thankful to be able to not have them in pre-school. That being said, being a work from home mom is isolating. Even though I am part of […]

Product Love: Batiste Dry Shampoo

Before I became a mom, I washed my hair daily. Oh, the luxuries of having time! Now, after 2 kids, I wash my hair about twice a week. Why? Well, it started off as just not having the time to deal with it with an infant and a toddler. But then I realized that my […]

Recipe: Easy Bolognese Sauce

Pasta is comfort food as far as I am concerned. Plus, it’s easy to make a healthy, filling meal out of it and it freezes beautifully for meal prep. The problem with most pre-made pasta sauces is that they are loaded with sodium and all kinds of preservatives. I love making my own pasta sauce. […]

Facing Insecurities

We all have something about ourselves that we aren’t completely happy with–big thighs, love handles, short eyelashes, stretch marks. I promise that everyone has something, maybe a few somethings. For me, it has always been my arms, for as long as I can remember. They are the first place to gain fat, and the last […]

Product Love: Shakeology

Before I started really working on my nutrition, I had quite a few issues going on. I had a huge dependency on sugar, I didn’t eat enough veggies, and I felt pretty terrible all of the time. But I was busy. I was a full-time student and I was working full-time, plus taking on freelance […]

Goal Setting: 5K Run

Every year I try to choose a new skill or choose a new challenge to conquer. Mostly they are just random things that I’ve either always wanted to try, or have never been very good at. Last year, I taught myself how to embroider. This year, I decided to try out competitive running. Anyone who […]

Why I chose Beachbody

Back when I started college, I was going to school full time and I had a full time job as a server at Olive Garden. I had very little spare time and, as you can imagine, my diet was not that great. I generally went straight from class to work, so I ended up grabbing […]

Recipe: Sweet Potato Hash

I LOVE Brussels sprouts! I honestly think that anyone who doesn’t like Brussels sprouts just hasn’t had them cooked correctly. Growing up I hated them, but it was because I had only ever had them boiled and plain. As an adult, I learned that if you cut them in half and roast them, or shred […]

Ditch Your Scale!

Stop weighing yourself every day. Or every week, even. Here’s the thing: muscle weighs more than fat. So when you first start working out, you are probably going to be gaining muscle and losing fat, but since the muscle weighs more than the fat, you may not be losing pounds on the scale. It’s discouraging […]