Before I became a mom, I washed my hair daily. Oh, the luxuries of having time! Now, after 2 kids, I wash my hair about twice a week. Why? Well, it started off as just not having the time to deal with it with an infant and a toddler. But then I realized that my hair was healthier and my scalp felt better. Plus, the less often I washed my hair, the less often I HAD to wash my hair. It seems counterintuitive, but the more you remove the natural oils from your scalp, the more oils it produces. So now, after about a year of only washing my hair a few times per week, I can go 3 days before my hair even starts to feel oily. Enter dry shampoo.
Years! I spent years looking for a dry shampoo that not only worked, but also didn’t make me retch every time I smelled my hair after using it. I went through lists and lists of “Best Dry Shampoos” all over the internet trying to find one that I like. But for whatever reason this brand wasn’t on any of them. So what drew me to it? Packaging! Because I am a graphic designer by trade, a lot of what persuades me to buy a product is good design. And look at these retro cuties! I was stalking the dry shampoo area at Target (I love Target, call me basic, idc), and I saw these bottles just looking like they wanted me to buy them. So I did.
Okay, on to the review. First off, Batiste has about a dozen different flavors of dry shampoo. I have the two in the pic: Original and Divine Dark. I use the original when I want to dry shampoo before bed and the divine dark when I want to dry shampoo during the day. They both smell amazing and the smell isn’t super overpowering where I am smelling it all day. The original is like most other dry shampoos where it takes a while to absorb completely and until it does it’s white on your hair. But if I use it before bed, by morning it has absorbed the oil and is undetectable. The divine dark has a brown tint, so if have dark hair, you are in a hurry and you can’t wait for the original to do its thing this baby is your go-to. I wouldn’t recommend using it at night, though, because I have a feeling the brown tint will end up all over your pillowcase. Well, I think that’s pretty much it. I bought mine at Target, but I think you can get it pretty much anywhere now.
Here’s Why I love it: It works! It smells great without being overpowering. It has nice packaging. Did I mention that it works?!